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Return Policy

We want you to be happy with your purchase. If you need to return any item you have purchased, note the following:

  • You may return most unopened and unused items within 30 days of receiving them for a refund less 3% processing fee and shipping & handling costs.
  • We cannot accept returns on any used equipment or kiln parts and electrical items.
    • If you have an issue with any used equipment, you will need to contact the manufacturer for warranty claims.
  • You may return most unopened and unused items within 3 months of receiving them for a refund less shipping & handling costs and a 20% restocking fee.
  • If items are returned not in their original box or packaging, a 25% restocking fee will be applied to your return and less the shipping and handling.
  • Built to order items such as: special order kilns, pugmills, clay mixers, and other equipment cannot be returned.
  • You will be responsible for shipping costs when returning items to us for refund unless it was a shipping error made on our part.
  • After 90 Days items may not be returned at all. No refunds can be issued after this period.

Return Authorization Number

Please call (864) 579-1752 for a return authorization number. Always include your invoice # and the reason you are returning the item(s) with your shipment. If this information is not included with your shipment, we cannot guarantee you will receive a refund.

Return Address

Send returns to the following address:
125 Ben Abi Road
Spartanburg, SC 29307

Returning Equipment Items

If you are returning equipment items [i.e. kilns (that ship ground), wheels, slab rollers, extruders, etc.] PLEASE INSURE YOUR SHIPMENT! If your item is returned to us damaged, you will be responsible for collecting your refund from the shipping company via a damage claim.

If you wish to return items that were shipped to you via freight carrier, please contact us. We cannot guarantee that we will accept these items if the original packaging (pallet, straps, box, crate, etc.) is no longer available.

We do not accept returns of books, DVDs, videos or any other copyrighted material.

We do not accept returns of commercial-sized or custom kilns, no exceptions!

Return and Refund Exceptions


We do not issue refunds or credits for fired glazes that do not yield desired expectations. Variables such as application method, kiln load, and firing temperature all determine how a glaze will fire.


Out of stock items may be refunded to your account or back-ordered. If you are missing an item and your order receipt included in your box does not mention it was refunded or back-ordered, please contact us.